The Canadian Interfaith Conversation issued a statement on behalf of over 60 signatory faith traditions and institutions, to present a common public position adopted by Canada's faith communities, on combatting hate against and between our country's religious communities. You can read it at the link below:
Standing Together Against Hate Based on Religious Identity addresses:
- the imperative for different faiths to work together to provide medical and humanitarian aid to victims of international conflicts;
- the need to create safety and security for all places of worship;
- a call for public authorities to protect people of all faiths from hate and violence.
A clip from the media launch from the Parliamentary Press Gallery can be found at:
"Faith communities share a deep reverence for and commitment to the dignity of every human being and for the sacredness of humanity and creation. Hate ignores and undermines that dignity and sacredness, and has no place in Canada."
Interfaith Grand River is proud to stand alongside over 60 other groups in standing against hate.