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Treasurer’s Report-IGR Members Meeting-May 9/24

Greetings! I am your new treasurer and I will do my best to responsibly manage IGR’s funds and to make timely reports to the Steering Committee and membership. Our bank account is at the Libro Credit Union on Erb St. and signers on the account are myself, Jay Moore and Dua Al-aghar.

Many thanks to the previous signers, Sandy, Brice and Chattar, and especially to Chattar who has managed the account for a number of years. Also, many thanks to those members who have dipped into their own pockets to pay for IGR expenses, both small (eg.,snacks for meetings) and large (eg.,website cost). The Steering Committee has begun discussions about fundraising in order to make IGR self-sustainable.

According to the bank statements obtained from Chattar ranging from March of 2018 to December of 2023, funds in the account fluctuated from approximately $1000-1500. At this time we have a little over $1500. As far as I can tell, deposits included relatively small amounts from the sale of Interfaith calendars and Interfaith Breakfast ticket sales, and sporadic donations.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Respectfully submitted by Norm Finkelberg

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