On Wednesday evening, February 5, Brian Carwana from Encounter World Religions will present his thought-provoking seminar, The Western Lens, and YOU are invited! Brian is a skilled facilitator and his organization works "to create a better world by fostering religious literacy.” The Western Lens offers an overview of how Christianity has evolved in western civilization.
REGISTRATION is now open here and we encourage you to register early.
Given the chancy weather in February, the seminar will happen online by Zoom. After Brian's presentation, there will be time for small group discussion and an opportunity for Q&A. The Zoom room will open by 6:45 and we'll be all finished by 8:30.
This seminar is happening during World Interfaith Harmony Week, February 1 – 7, an annual UN observance. Its declaration in 2010 included these words: "Recognizing that the moral imperatives of all religions, convictions and beliefs call for peace, tolerance and mutual understanding." Every year, organizations around the world hold special events to mark this observance between January 25 and March 1. This year, Interfaith Grand River is pleased to contribute our own special event to the observance.
REGISTRATION is required to participate in this seminar, so click here and get in on your calendar now. And feel free to extend this invitation to others who might be interested.
If you run into problems, please email interfaithgrandriver@gmail.com and someone will get back to you. We're looking forward to meeting you virtually on February 5!